Is an international platform about the social impact of design. It enables organisations to use design to generate creative solutions for issues such as the problem of waste.
What Design Can Do
What Design Can DoMexico City Project
More and more small-scale initiatives are trying to capitalise on the reuse of materials. For example, Ecolana, one of the winners of the Clean Energy Challenge: What Design Can Do, has used this simple fact as a starting point to establish a network of collection points where people can deposit very specific waste materials for recycling: cardboard packaging, batteries, PET, plastic bags, paper, and so on.
Dutch-Spanish translations
The What Design Can Do foundation reached out to the Translation Collective to translate their Dutch texts into Spanish for a festival held in Mexico City on 6, 7 and 8 May 2019. The event’s main focus was to inspire creative solutions for the huge waste problem in Mexico City.