Not every decision has to be carefully considered. If you’re unsure whether to buy those bright red cowboy boots, or have your neck tattooed with the name of the new love of your life, it’s okay to be impulsive. But when it comes to the survival of your organization, you need to be more careful. To make it future proof, you need to know exactly what the organization stands for and what the purpose of your product or service is. That means formulating a mission and a vision, and then developing a strategy.
Translating strategy documents
Translating strategy documentsSo what is your strategy?
Once you have a clear picture of what you want to achieve, it’s time to write down exactly how you plan to do it. This part is your business strategy, the master plan for your organization that you can fall back on with every new challenge. It gives an overview of your strengths, possible pitfalls, the resources at your disposal, and the target group you want to serve. How do you set prices, attract customers, deal with growth or contraction, and develop a social media profile? These are all important points that you can return to each time a big decision has to be made.
Get your strategy checked or translated
Before you share strategy documents with your management or investors, it’s useful to have a second pair of eyes look at them. And that’s where The Translation Collective comes in. Our professional editors will take out language and spelling errors, and check whether your strategy has been clearly expressed. Or if you’re satisfied with the documents but would like them translated, we can help with that too.
Request a quote
If you’re developing a new business strategy or fine-tuning an existing one, contact us or request a quote for editing or translation below.
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