When you apply for film funding, it’s important to have a treatment: a detailed plan of the film dealing with such key issues as the logline and synopsis, the producer’s and scriptwriter’s visions, character descriptions, and sample scenes. All this information helps the investor to make an in-formed decision about whether to put money into your wonderful film. And if you’d like your script or treatment translated, talk to The Translation Collective!
Translate treatment or screenplay
Translate treatment or screenplayTranslators who know the film business
We regularly help producers to translate their scripts and treatments, and we work with a number of translators and editors on film-related projects. Some are scriptwriters themselves, and all know the ingredients of a good translation.
For example, we helped Topkapi Films with the English version of the script for their Gouden Kalf Award nominated dark comedy Bumperkleef. This was a gradual and cooperative process in which our specialist script translators obtained feedback to ensure that the translation did justice to the original.
Let us translate your script or treatment
We’ll liaise closely with you and our translators and editors to ensure that your script or treatment is attention grabbing and uses the right linguistic register. And we know all the ins and outs of the job, so if you need yours translated, we’d be happy to help. You can request a quote or free sample translation below.
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