World Press Photo is an independent non-profit organization established in 1955 by the Dutch Association of Photojournalists. Their yearly event: World Press Photo, is the biggest and most prestigious photography contest in the world. After each event, the photo’s are compiled and displayed in a travelling exposition that gathers over a million visitors from over forty countries. For anyone unable to attend the event or the expositions, there is also a bundle published in six different languages.
World Press Photo 2021
World Press Photo 2021
The World Press Photo contest has been the norm for visual journalism ever since its conception in 1955. This 2021 edition bundle contains the best and most worthwhile photo’s from the event, including all the winners. An independent jury made a selection from the 74.470 photo’s send in by 4315 photographers from 130 countries. Needless to say, the result is a selection of breathtaking and inspiring photo’s. Given COVID was omnipresent in 2021, it was heavily featured as a topic, as can be seen below in a small list of finalists:
“The First Embrace” by Mads Nissen (winner of the World Press Photo of the year 2021)
“California Sea Lion Plays with Mask” by Ralph Pace
“COVID-19 Pandemic in France” by Laurance Geai
“The Human Cost of COVID-19” by Joshua Irwandi

Service provided
World Press Photo has used our services to translate their bundles for several years now, and we thank them for this. The photo’s contain a frame with their title, photographer, a small description and the price it has won.
We have translated the bundles from English to Dutch, German, French, Italian and Spanish. World Press Photo gave us clear directions in how they wanted their translations to be done, and as such a smooth collaboration with pleasing results was achieved.
“I would like to thank you all for a great partnership these past years, and for our recent exchange of feedback.” – Yi Wen Hsia, World Press Photo
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